

– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.

The soldier stood by quietly as he watched the outline of the woman shake. He came by to return her book that she let him borrow, but when he didn’t hear an answer he let himself in. He felt something was wrong and sad to say he was right. He held the book to his side and stepped into the room a little. “Delila?”  He spoke her name quietly, trying to keep the situation under control. “Delila is everything alright?” It obviously wasn’t, but he could at least ask. Maybe he should’ve kept quiet. The blond pulled a tissue from his pocket and placed it by her side. 

Delila’s hand went to the knife beneath her pillow, wholly prepared to use it until she heard Steve’s voice. Shuddering, the blonde shook her head. “No, everything is n o t all right!” She snapped, the anger she felt directed at herself projecting onto the man. “I— I lost the baby. My baby—” Biting her lip again, Delila curled further into herself as more tears fell.

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