


– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.

Steve’s eyes widened slightly, he wasn’t expecting that. “I—…Delila, I’m sorry.” He dropped next to her on the bed and gently lowered her hand, he didn’t know what to say. There was nothing to say in a moment like this. His mother lost his brother too. He saw someone deal with this before, but he didn’t know how to comfort her. 

She quietly sniffed, shaking her head as she wiped her face as clean of the tears as she could get it. Her cheeks were a bit blotchy, and her nose red, but she didn’t care— didn’t think that Steve, of all people, would care much either. Turning over in the bed to face him, she looked him in the eye, hoping he would have an answer to her question.

“How do I get it to stop? The pain— how do I get it to go away?”

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