


– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.

He could see the pain in her eyes and it broke his heart, but would could he do? How could he ask that impossible question? Steve sighed and rested his hands on his lap, looking into the room, trying to think of something appropriate to say. “It will never really go away…It will stick with you for the rest of your life. It will get easier, but it will take sometime.” He looked back down to her and laid his hand over hers. “I am very sorry you had to go through this…and I’m sorry it’s not so easily fixed.” 

She whimpered quietly, but refused to allow anymore tears to fall. Taking hold of his hand, Delila squeezed the slightly calloused appendage in some form of gratitude. It was not the answer she was looking for, but she also knew that Steve was telling the truth— and that’s all she could really ask for.

Clearing her throat, she started to sit up. Her movements slow and careful, everything still hurting. “What, uh… Why’d you drop by, Steve?”

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