“For the last time, you’re not fat. You’re pregnant.” (Joey, save for later)




The glare she sent his way was strong enough to peel paint she was sure. “I’m as big as a house, Joey! Look at me!” Her eyes returned to her reflection as she turned this way and that, hating the feel of tears well in her eyes.

A smile came to his lips and as he rose from his knees he pressed a kiss to her lips, “My Love,” he murmured, his hands coming to wrap around her waist as he lifted her carefully, still mindful of their growing child. He would be sure that the wedding was everything she wanted to be, when that time came. Everything and more.

Her smile grew a bit more as he picked her up, arms wrapping around his neck. “I love you, Joey. Very much.” She whispered, kissing his cheek and burying her face into his neck.

“For the last time, you’re not fat. You’re pregnant.” (Joey, save for later)




The glare she sent his way was strong enough to peel paint she was sure. “I’m as big as a house, Joey! Look at me!” Her eyes returned to her reflection as she turned this way and that, hating the feel of tears well in her eyes.

He sighed, feeling tired. Joey stepped closer to her, and moved to his knees, taking her hands in his. He looked up at her, emotionally bare to her, not having anything left in him to defend himself. “Delila, My Love. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?” he asked in a hushed voice.

Delila stared down at him a moment before giving a slow nod of her head. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” She murmured, a small smile coming to her face; it was tentative at best, but she wanted to do this for Joey. Wanted to be his for as long as he had her.

“For the last time, you’re not fat. You’re pregnant.” (Joey, save for later)




The glare she sent his way was strong enough to peel paint she was sure. “I’m as big as a house, Joey! Look at me!” Her eyes returned to her reflection as she turned this way and that, hating the feel of tears well in her eyes.

There was a hint of anger in his frustrated expression, “I love you. You. I want to be with you. Why isn’t that clear enough. I don’t know what better is Delila, but I don’t want it. I don’t want anyone else, I just love you.”

Her hazel were still distressed though her shoulders slumped in something akin to defeat. She knew that Joey was too good for her, that he deserved a woman that never lied to him. What he instead got was her and it made her sick. “Ask me.” She whispered after a long moment of silence. “Ask me again.”

“For the last time, you’re not fat. You’re pregnant.” (Joey, save for later)




The glare she sent his way was strong enough to peel paint she was sure. “I’m as big as a house, Joey! Look at me!” Her eyes returned to her reflection as she turned this way and that, hating the feel of tears well in her eyes.

“Am I so terrible that you can’t commit me? Is it so awful that you need that door left open? I think I’ve been more than fair to you, more than kind, more than a good and decent man. Why is it that you’re so opposed to the idea of marrying me? I would do anything for you, am more than happy to have this baby with you, and yet I have no indication that you’re doing anything more than keeping one foot out the door”

“That’s not what this is about, and you’re not terrible! You’re the best man that has ever entered my life and you…you deserve the option of being able to be with someone that is good enough for you when you find them, that’s all.”

“For the last time, you’re not fat. You’re pregnant.” (Joey, save for later)




The glare she sent his way was strong enough to peel paint she was sure. “I’m as big as a house, Joey! Look at me!” Her eyes returned to her reflection as she turned this way and that, hating the feel of tears well in her eyes.

Joey went after her and caught her hand in the hall, “Delila, stop, please, don’t you understand. I love you. I love that you’re carrying our son and I want to be a family with you. A proper family. I want to promise myself to only you. I would be so proud to call you my wife.”

“We can’t be a proper family unless there’s a ring on my finger? You can’t promise yourself to me without a stupid piece of paper? Joey, I don’t want to get married. Ever.” She jerked her hand from his and continued on down the hall, stopping by the front door and grabbing her coat. “I’m content to have this baby and live with you and love you, but marriage is out of the question. I’m sorry.”

“For the last time, you’re not fat. You’re pregnant.” (Joey, save for later)




The glare she sent his way was strong enough to peel paint she was sure. “I’m as big as a house, Joey! Look at me!” Her eyes returned to her reflection as she turned this way and that, hating the feel of tears well in her eyes.

Joey sighed and stepped up behind her, bringing his hands down around her stomach, “You’re beautiful. More beautiful than when I met you. You are the mother of my child, and I love you so much I want to marry you.”

“You flattering me like that isn’t going to make me say yes, Joey, stop asking, please. Isn’t this enough?” She broke away from him, hurriedly pulling the babydoll shirt was wearing back down over her stomach as she moved to leave the room.

❝Come back to bed.❞(joey)




Delila glanced over at him from her place at the counter where she was sipping at a bit of coffee; having no intention of attempting sleep again tonight. “Did I wake you?”

The door cracked open and a sickening smirk came to his lips. Brock pulled off his mask and looked to the sleeping woman as he unsheathed his knife. He crept towards the bed and pressed the flat side of the blade against the swell of her stomach. “Wakey, wakey, fraulein.”

The words and tone were far too familiar for her to think it was anyone but Joey in her room and causes her jolt awake; eyes opening and flickering first toward the knife before coming to rest on Rumlow’s face. “What are you doing here?” She whispered, her terror clear in her voice.

❝Come back to bed.❞(joey)




Delila glanced over at him from her place at the counter where she was sipping at a bit of coffee; having no intention of attempting sleep again tonight. “Did I wake you?”

Joey smiled as he got changed, then moved to kiss her forehead, “Rest my love,” he murmured. Slowly he pulled away and headed to SHIELD. An hour passed, maybe more. The front door opened and closed, slow heavy steps approached the bedroom, quiet, but not silent. The sound of combat boots.

Even before Joey had left the room Delila had managed to slip into a state of sleep. The sound of boots hardly caused her to stir, sleeping soundly for the first time in a long while; unaffected by thoughts of her tormenter or her lies. Just Joey and their unborn child.

“Think you can still concentrate with my fingers inside of you?”



Her eyes flickered over to Steve from where they rested on her computer monitor; an eyebrow arching in amusement. “Yes. But I welcome you to turn me into a liar.”


Steve grins kissing her throat before rolling her back a bit so he could slide in front of her spread legs. Yanking her panties down Steve slides his two forefingers in her easily.

Delila whimpered quietly, fingers pressing down on random keys and forcing her to hit the back button. Her hips rolled against his fingers, teeth digging harder into her lip. “Sometimes I hate what you do to me.”