“Midnight Kiss” c:



It was pretty late when he felt his bed shift in weight a little. Steve didn’t move, he was just waiting to see what this person was going to do. His brows raised slightly as he felt lips against his own. His eyes shot open, looking to see who’s lips they belonged to. “Delila?” He asked against her lips and sat up a little, “How’d you get in here?” He rubbed the back of his head, “You could’ve at least called..” 


“Don’t worry about it, Delila..” He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled slightly towards her. “I wasn’t complaining…I want a little warning next time, okay?” He patted her hand gently and settled back to lean against his wall. 

“…Next time? You expect me to do this again?” She whispered, cautiously relaxing beside him and scratching her nose. Biting her lip, Delila debated for a moment before turning to face him completely. “Steve, why aren’t you worried or freaked out?”

“Midnight Kiss” c:



It was pretty late when he felt his bed shift in weight a little. Steve didn’t move, he was just waiting to see what this person was going to do. His brows raised slightly as he felt lips against his own. His eyes shot open, looking to see who’s lips they belonged to. “Delila?” He asked against her lips and sat up a little, “How’d you get in here?” He rubbed the back of his head, “You could’ve at least called..” 


“Wait.” He reached out to grab her hand and gently pulled her back towards him, “You don’t have to run, let’s talk…” He gently placed his hand over hers and squeezed it, “I enjoyed it, don’t get me wrong. I just wasn’t expecting it, you know?” He leaned forward to kiss her cheek.

“It’d be a little odd if you were expecting women to randomly enter your home and kiss you while you slept…,” Delila’s cheeks abruptly went pink as she sighed in quiet embarrassment. “And only saying it out loud do I realise how very creepy that is. Steve, I’m so sorry.”




– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.

“We can stay in and order. It’s on me.” He reached out to gently pat her hand before standing up from the bed to pull out his cell phone. “What would you like to eat?”  He asked, pulling up the menu on his cell phone to pick something out for himself. He wasn’t going to leave her alone tonight after all she’s been through. 

Delila shook her head, knowing that trying to talk Steve out of paying for their food wouldn’t work. It was just the sort of man he was. Absentmindedly rubbing a hand across her abdomen, she gave a small shrug. “Something with garlic… Garlic and chicken… Garlic chicken. That’s a thing on the menu right?” She slowly stood, standing on her tiptoes to just barely see over his shoulder and look down at his phone. “Or curry? I could go for curry? Something simple but filling.”




– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.

He knew he couldn’t give her the answer she wanted, but she would get through it. She was a strong girl. “I was in the neighborhood…and I thought I would drop by and see if you wanted to go grab a late dinner with me. I didn’t get to eat dinner after work and I haven’t seen you in awhile..” 

Delila slowly nodded, giving him a weak smile. “I don’t much feel like leaving the house, Steve, but I’d be more than happy to fix you something here?” She quietly offered, wanting to do something to get her mind off her misery. Steve was nice. She knew that he wouldn’t pester her with constant questions of concern, but would be willing to talk if she so chose. “Or I could order take out? Haven’t had any Chinese in a while…,”




– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.

He could see the pain in her eyes and it broke his heart, but would could he do? How could he ask that impossible question? Steve sighed and rested his hands on his lap, looking into the room, trying to think of something appropriate to say. “It will never really go away…It will stick with you for the rest of your life. It will get easier, but it will take sometime.” He looked back down to her and laid his hand over hers. “I am very sorry you had to go through this…and I’m sorry it’s not so easily fixed.” 

She whimpered quietly, but refused to allow anymore tears to fall. Taking hold of his hand, Delila squeezed the slightly calloused appendage in some form of gratitude. It was not the answer she was looking for, but she also knew that Steve was telling the truth— and that’s all she could really ask for.

Clearing her throat, she started to sit up. Her movements slow and careful, everything still hurting. “What, uh… Why’d you drop by, Steve?”

“Midnight Kiss” c:



It was pretty late when he felt his bed shift in weight a little. Steve didn’t move, he was just waiting to see what this person was going to do. His brows raised slightly as he felt lips against his own. His eyes shot open, looking to see who’s lips they belonged to. “Delila?” He asked against her lips and sat up a little, “How’d you get in here?” He rubbed the back of his head, “You could’ve at least called..” 


“I…I don’t understand why you would do that, but you can’t do that without asking at least..” he rubbed the back of his neck and sat up a little more to look her over. “Why did you come here? To do that..?”  He wasn’t sure how he felt about it, he didn’t dislike it…he was just confused.

She frowned at his question, the confusion she could hear. “I’m sorry… I thought…,” She scoffed, sitting back completely, shaking her head. “I feel like a completely idiot right about now. I thought you were waiting for something like. I’m sorry— I’ll go.”

“Midnight Kiss” c:


It was pretty late when he felt his bed shift in weight a little. Steve didn’t move, he was just waiting to see what this person was going to do. His brows raised slightly as he felt lips against his own. His eyes shot open, looking to see who’s lips they belonged to. “Delila?” He asked against her lips and sat up a little, “How’d you get in here?” He rubbed the back of his head, “You could’ve at least called..” 


The blonde leaned away from him a bit, lightly biting her lip in slight embarrassment. “I… May or may not have made an impression of your key that one time you thought you lost it…” She murmured, pushing her hair away from her face as she sat back on her heels, watching him carefully. “I didn’t want to waste any time by calling. I…wanted to come straight here.”

Midnight kiss c:

She returned the kiss for a brief moment, the hand under her pillow gripping the knife there before she actually bothered opening her eyes. “Steve? What the hell are you doing? How did— How did you get in here?”

Her features transform into a frown bordering on a scowl. Never had she thought her friend to hold any sort of romantic feelings for her— not enough to break into her house in the middle of the night and kiss her, anyway.




– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.

Steve’s eyes widened slightly, he wasn’t expecting that. “I—…Delila, I’m sorry.” He dropped next to her on the bed and gently lowered her hand, he didn’t know what to say. There was nothing to say in a moment like this. His mother lost his brother too. He saw someone deal with this before, but he didn’t know how to comfort her. 

She quietly sniffed, shaking her head as she wiped her face as clean of the tears as she could get it. Her cheeks were a bit blotchy, and her nose red, but she didn’t care— didn’t think that Steve, of all people, would care much either. Turning over in the bed to face him, she looked him in the eye, hoping he would have an answer to her question.

“How do I get it to stop? The pain— how do I get it to go away?”



– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.

The soldier stood by quietly as he watched the outline of the woman shake. He came by to return her book that she let him borrow, but when he didn’t hear an answer he let himself in. He felt something was wrong and sad to say he was right. He held the book to his side and stepped into the room a little. “Delila?”  He spoke her name quietly, trying to keep the situation under control. “Delila is everything alright?” It obviously wasn’t, but he could at least ask. Maybe he should’ve kept quiet. The blond pulled a tissue from his pocket and placed it by her side. 

Delila’s hand went to the knife beneath her pillow, wholly prepared to use it until she heard Steve’s voice. Shuddering, the blonde shook her head. “No, everything is n o t all right!” She snapped, the anger she felt directed at herself projecting onto the man. “I— I lost the baby. My baby—” Biting her lip again, Delila curled further into herself as more tears fell.


– 2. “I lost the baby.” –

Delila had bitten near clean through her lip to keep herself from sobbing, the pain nearly too much to handle. She hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, wallowing in her own misery. Tears fell nonstop from her eyes, but she refused to show anymore weakness by sobbing. She was strong, she could make it through this — not that she could see how.