




I’ve scrolled by this about four times now and I’ve known what’s coming for three times now.

And I still totally lost it every time.

Oh my god, Tony’s fucking face got me.

oh god it’s back

“Midnight Kiss” c:


It was pretty late when he felt his bed shift in weight a little. Steve didn’t move, he was just waiting to see what this person was going to do. His brows raised slightly as he felt lips against his own. His eyes shot open, looking to see who’s lips they belonged to. “Delila?” He asked against her lips and sat up a little, “How’d you get in here?” He rubbed the back of his head, “You could’ve at least called..” 


The blonde leaned away from him a bit, lightly biting her lip in slight embarrassment. “I… May or may not have made an impression of your key that one time you thought you lost it…” She murmured, pushing her hair away from her face as she sat back on her heels, watching him carefully. “I didn’t want to waste any time by calling. I…wanted to come straight here.”




15. “Storms scare me.”

Delila shivered as the trees tapped harshly against the window panes. The boom of thunder being felt all the way in her bones. She didn’t want to be stuck here in this little diner when such a bad storm was going on, but it wasn’t as if she had a choice.

With no car and no cell service she was stuck trying not to bawl her eyes out like a baby. Sniffing as discretely as possible, Delila looked around the diner and frowned at the man watching her. Feeling the need to attempt justifying her, quite obvious, fear, she hissed. “So, storms scare me. Something you want to say?”

“I amI flirting with you? I don’t even know I’m just trying to come up with a reason to come over here and be nice without sounding weird. I don’t know anymore. Maybe I am? ” He shrugged in confusion. ” I think that National treasure line was good. Way better than some of my other lines.”  He chuckled softly as the rain all but stopped. He would need to make it up Thor some how for this small miracle.

“I am always doing something stupid apparently. If You were a murderer luring in men with girlish charm then I guess it is a decent way to go. Not too clever, but I still give you credit for it. How exactly would you pull off this murder if you were this murder? Just for curiosities sake.” 

She grinned at his confusion, looking out the window as the storm came to a halt. The tension that had been in her shoulders finally washing away as she sighed in relief. “I wouldn’t mind if you were. That line was pretty good, but I’m interested in hearing these other lines of yours.”

Unable to help the laughter that past her lips, Delila lightly shook her head. “Well, I’d let you drive me home of course. Offer for you to come in for some coffee or a drink, maybe hint at something more. Then, once you’d made a decision that was no doubt hard for you, I’d bring you upstairs, accidentally let you get a peek up my skirt. And when you aren’t expecting it, I’d knock you clean out and kill you.” She paused briefly, tilting her head in thought. “Or maybe I’d tie you up and torture you first. But that’s if I was a murderer.” She finished with a smirk, taking a sip from the water in her glass, carefully watching his reaction.

Midnight kiss c:

She returned the kiss for a brief moment, the hand under her pillow gripping the knife there before she actually bothered opening her eyes. “Steve? What the hell are you doing? How did— How did you get in here?”

Her features transform into a frown bordering on a scowl. Never had she thought her friend to hold any sort of romantic feelings for her— not enough to break into her house in the middle of the night and kiss her, anyway.

“Oops!” oh ho ho



9. Your character walking in on mine in bed with someone. *cackling in distance*


Grant?” Delila whispered in horror, pushing the man on top of her to the side. “What the fuck are you doing here? Why didn’t you k n o c k!”


     He blinks and turns quickly, leaning his weight into the door to keep her from shutting it. “Hey, it’s a legitimate question. Or, well, statement. A fact? Yeah, let’s go with fact,” he grins, twirling the toothbrush in his hand. “Because I’m bored and your internet is faster.”

“For fuck’s sake— Grant, you have your own house!” She pushed him again, getting the door to close a fraction. “Don’t Rumlow and Alex miss you? I’m sure they do. They’d love to entertain you, me on the other hand? You just ruined my night. L e a v e.



Bucky swore that she could be heard a mile away with the way that she was calling out. Hardly took him long to find her. “You’re drunk.” That was an understatement. “C’mon. Give me the bottle.”

The smile on her face slowly began to fall, holding the bottle close as she shook her head. “No! I won it, fair and square.” She protested, volume still louder than it needed to be. “‘sides I am not drunk, you old sourpuss.”

( texts from last night send one for my muse’s reaction )


  • ( text ) : uh, do you have my pants because i have yours
  • ( text ) : let’s play another game of whose boxers are hanging on my fence
  • ( text ) : update. a gay guy just told me that i’m the most beautiful thing with a vagina he has ever seen. how should i feel about this?
  • ( text ) : i’m sorry about all the inappropriate shoe throwing.
  • ( text ) : you killed a bottle of bacardi in 20 minutes. so much for being an organ donor.
  • ( text ) : why can’t burritos get me drunk?
  • ( text ) : i know you’re on a date and i should leave you alone, but about twenty minutes ago, i realized i haven’t been spanked in years so if you’re still looking for a birthday present, you know, consider it.
  • ( text ) : why is my bath tub filled with mud?
  • ( text ) : i’ve noticed we slowly have begun to phase the “b” out of our bromace.
  • ( text ) : you just jumped of the couch and yelled “hidden tiger crouching dragon!” that’s the answer to how you broke your finger.
  • ( text ) : this is what my life has come to. drinking champagne alone yelling at the dog because no one wants to hang out with me
  • ( text ) : if i open my eyes, my head will explode. that hungover.
  • ( text ) : apparently all year, they’ve been using me as a standard for drunkenness.
  • ( text ) : all i’m saying is that your next houseguest had better not barge in on me in the shower demanding i wash the stolen dye from his hair. i’m not doing that a second time.
  • ( text ) : i need to stop drunkenly getting naked. i’m losing all my party clothes.
  • ( text ) : please make the clown in the corner stop judging me. i mean he’s the one with paint on his face. i don’t need him judge judying me.
  • ( text ) : sooooo, how am i supposed to explain to my mom that i was admitted to the hospital, but you kidnapped me within 20 minutes?
  • ( text ) : hey remember that thing i said about never apologizing for being a hot mess? well that was before you found me drunk in the hallway with no pants.
  • ( text ) : so much for not drinking this week after this weekend. congrats, you made it until tuesday.
  • ( text ) : i just remembered that someone fed me a pretzel out of their purse at the bar last night.


Alex burst out laughing. “I will admit, he can be child-like, most times. But at the same time, he does have intelligence. At least, I would think that he does. Especially if he’s working for… well, you know.”

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “If he does, I have yet to see any. Maybe then he wouldn’t irritate me quite so much. Although,” She tilted her head, pausing to think. “Our fights are my favourite. He hits back.”